
Altus Monitoring Solutions

January 2020 – Present

CEO / Founder

Providing UAV and satellite analysis and technologies for insurance applications. Member of the University of Copenhagen’s Innovation Hub for startups. European Space Agency’s Launchpad incubation event August 2020.

Geological Survey of Canada

Canadian Federal Government

October 2018 – July 2019

Satellite Mapping Analyst

Mapped Geo-hazards in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Co-wrote and edited official science reports. Provided satellite image processing. Developed new techniques and strategies for mapping. Communicated professionally in French and English.

Geological Survey of Canada

Canadian Federal Government

June 2018 – September 2018

Geomatics Research Science Practicum

Student member of a permafrost analysis project. Created new analysis techniques for future research in Arctic permafrost. Mathematical, remote sensing, and geospatial permafrost modelling. Research and analysis will be used in future scientific articles.

John Lindsay HF, Reykjavik Iceland

May 2017 – September 2017

Sales - Shipping - Orders

Worked in a national import company in Reykjavik. Managed orders, made sales and worked with clients. Traveled within the capital and the countryside to fulfill orders and make sales.

The Entwistle Company, Massachusetts U.S.A

November 2014 – February 2015

Inventory - Database - Shipping

Tracked inventory use and built sub-assemblies to streamline operations for a major U.S. Navy Contractor. Managed the inventory database. Streamlined the inventory management system.




University of Copenhagen, Denmark

September 2019 – Present

M.Sc. Geoinformatics

Thesis focusing on satellite and aerial detection of artillery and rocket attacks in conflict zones. Courses on UAV data collection and analysis. Developed MODIS based forest-fire prediction algorithm. Investigated correlation between poppy cultivation and terrorist activity in Afghanistan.

Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

September 2015 – November 2018

B.Sc. Geomatics With Honours

Skills in ArcGIS, Excel, SQL, R, python, PCI. Courses in traditional computer science, geography, statistics, science, and engineering. Team projects for Canadian Government initiatives.

University of Denver, U.S.A

September 2012 – June 2014

Data Analytics

Finished second year and transferred universities to pursue Geomatics studies. Skills in statistical analysis and big data.

Harvard University Extension Studies, U.S.A

September 2011 – May 2012

Creative and technical writing. Macro and microeconomics courses.





ESRI Suite.

Design and maintenance of geodatabases.

PCI Geomatica and Summit3D for remote sensing.

Acquisition and analysis of GIS data.

Satellite and UAV.

Google Earth Engine.


Python with ArcPy and ModelBuilder


Microsoft Suite.

Data collection and processing.


Member of Global University Climate Forum team 2020-2021.

NASA Space apps challenge regional winner 2020.

Technical writing and editing.

Presentation and visualizations.

Experience working professionally in English, French and Icelandic.

Applied Projects

Applied mapping and personal projects from 2016 to present can be found here on my website!